The Secret to Successful Amazon PPC Campaigns: Long-tail Keywords

Getting your products in front of the appropriate audience is essential if you’re running a pay-per-click (PPC) campaign on Amazon. One of the most crucial elements that will affect the outcome of your campaign is selecting the appropriate keywords to target. But it might be difficult to distinguish on Amazon because there are so many rival sellers. Long-tail keywords can help with it. These longer, more precise terms will enable you to precisely target a smaller audience. We’ll demonstrate in this blog how to leverage long-tail keywords to support your Amazon PPC campaigns, and increase traffic and sales to your products.

Step 1:  Find the Best Long-tail Keywords for Your Product

HELIUM 10, JUNGLE SCOUT (USE THESE TOOLS TO validate your keywords and find more ideas.) Long tail-keywords secret step 1

Before using long-tail keywords in your Amazon PPC campaign, you must first determine which keywords are the most beneficial for your product. To examine what Amazon offers, start by typing a general phrase related to your purchase. Amazon’s auto-suggest feature can also be utilised to see what long-tail keywords other customers are looking for.

After creating a list of potential long-tail keywords, check it using a tool for keyword research like Helium 10 or Jungle Scout and look for further suggestions. By helping you locate long-tail keywords with high search traffic and little competition, these tools will make it easier to target a certain demographic and increase your chances of conversion.

Step 2: Group Your Long-tail Keywords into Categories

long tail-keywords step 2, ppc campaign

Create categories for your long-tail keywords now that you have a list of them. You may use this to arrange your keywords and make niche ad groups for each category. Group your keywords first according to how well they relate to your product and what they mean.

Using the terms “non-slip yoga mats,” “thick yoga mats,” and “eco-friendly yoga mats,” for instance, you may categorize your long-tail keywords if you offer yoga mats. This will improve your chances of conversion by enabling you to construct highly targeted ad groups that speak directly to the demands of your audience.

Step 3: Create Targeted Ad Groups for Your Long-tail Keywords

Long tail-keywords steps 3

It’s time to construct targeted ad groups now that your long-tail keywords have been divided into categories. One ad group can be made for each category of keywords, giving you the opportunity to make ads that are extremely relevant to the search queries of your target market.

Make sure to use your long-tail keywords in both your product listing and your ad description when producing your ads. Your chances of ranking better in Amazon search results will grow as a result of improving your ad relevancy score.

Step 4: Monitor and Optimize Your PPC Campaigns

Long tail-keywords, PPC Campaigns, Actual success, amazon, step 4

Furthermore, it is critical to track and enhance your Amazon PPC advertising on a regular basis. Keep track of the success of your campaigns, such as CTR, CPC, and conversion rates (CPC). If you’re not receiving the expected results, consider changing your bids, ad language, or using new long-tail keywords.

You may use a variety of information from Amazon’s PPC platform to constantly optimize your adverts. Amazon’s Sponsored Products Reports will help you evaluate your campaigns and identify areas for improvement.


Long-tail keywords are an effective technique that can help you improve the performance of your PPC campaign on Amazon. You may increase your chances of converting prospective customers into actual purchasers by selecting the greatest long-tail keywords for your product. Classify them into groups, generate focused ad groups, and continuously improve your campaigns. Choosing the best long-tail keywords for your product can increase the likelihood that prospective customers will become actual buyers.