If you want to sell on Amazon, you will need to invest in PPC.

Every PPC advertiser knows that it’s imperative to have a perfect campaign structure for obvious reasons. It is much quicker to optimise bids, create budgets, and apply placement modifiers when there is a clear framework.

But what makes a great PPC campaign structure?

Each ASIN Has A Portfolio Consisting of Campaigns

When there are portfolios that contain a particular ASIN’s campaigns, you can quickly analyze the performance of each product by clicking on the portfolio.

For that reason, you want to have the ability to get a quick snapshot look of each of your SKU’s performance.

Then you can identify where the forefront of your focus should be.

1 SKU Advertised Per Campaign

Even if you have an FBM and FBA condition for the same ASIN, I would keep them separate.

If you have multiple variations of the same product/child ASINs under 1 parent ASIN, you should have a unique campaign unless the only difference is size.

However, if your variation theme is scent then keywords will be drastically different for each scent. Thus all variations should have their campaigns.

1 Ad Group Per Campaign

If a campaign contains more than 1 ad group, you will run into spending issues.

What happens when there are multiple ad groups? 

The majority of the budget is allocated to 1 selected ad group.

Thus keywords that are in a different ad group are not able to generate any impressions.

Ad Groups Segregated By Different Match Types

We want to target only 1 match type (broad/phrase/exact) keyword per ad group because the performance highly varies between different match types.

When we are not mixing multiple match keywords per ad group, we have the control to properly optimize bids, adjust budgets and set the right placement modifiers.

Up to 5-10 Keyword or Product Targets Per Ad Group

To avoid underutilization of any keywords and open up their maximum potential for impression coverage.

If there are 100 keywords put in a single ad group, the vast majority of the campaign budget will be taken away by high SV keywords.

While your low SV keywords might be extremely profitable and cost-effective, they are not able to perform following such a campaign structure.

Keyword or Product Targets Are Separated By a Similar SV

When migrating your search terms from auto campaigns to manual campaigns, use the H10 Magnet Tool.

Take all your search terms from the STR report that have converted at a good ACOS and input them in the H10 Magnet Tool.

You will pull up the search volume of each individual keyword and now separate them into groups of 5-10 keyword targets per campaign based on the SV.

You do not have to do the same for product targets (competitor ASINs).

 It’s not an extensive list but by strictly following these guidelines you will have improved your ads performance!We want to target only one match type (broad/exact) keyword per ad group because performance varies greatly between match types.